Frequently Asked Questions
Is there tuition?
No, AMSSM is a tuition-free school.
What grades does AMS have?
AMS serves grades Kindergarten - 8th grade.
My child is above grade level. How do you accommodate my child’s educational needs?
The majority of AMS students are performing above grade level standards determined by the Arizona Department of Education, and many new, highly-performing students fit right in. We assign students to classes based on their current mastery levels by having each student take a diagnostic test every year. For those students performing well above grade level, AMS offers an individualized math and reading program, allowing for students to work at their own advanced pace and to be challenged on a daily basis.
Does AMS have a lunch program?
Yes, students are able to order lunch by selecting the days on the lunch order form, which is available at the Front Office. AMS lunches are provided by our caterer, Chef Armando Rodriguez and Healthy Innovations. The cost for student lunch is $3.33 per day; however, AMS participates in the National School Lunch Program which provides free or reduced prices for children from qualifying families. A reduced-price lunch costs $0.40 per day. For more details including lunch menus and free and reduced lunch applications.
Are all teachers certified and highly qualified?
AMS has extremely high standards and expectations for all staff members. Prospective teacher candidates are evaluated for their experience, writing skills, and content knowledge in a longer than average process that includes a content assessment test. Out of the thousands of applications we receive, we will only hire the top 2% of candidates. All teachers at AMS, including specials (Art, Music, Computer Sciences, PE) and support staff, are considered highly-qualified as defined by the Federal No Child Left Behind Act.
What specials classes are offered at AMS?
All grade levels at AMS participate in PE, art, and music (piano or guitar) at least once a week. Most students start learning Mandarin or Russian and taking technology classes by 2nd grade.
Does AMS provide transportation?
At this time, AMS does not provide transportation to and from school. It is the parents' responsibility to transport their children to school and pick them up. If you would like to carpool with other parents, please call the front office to learn how to get involved.
How long has AMS been in operation?
AMS has been providing rigorous, college-prep education since 2001. Since then, the school has been highly successful and received recognition as a top-performing school and the 2016 AZ Charter School of the Year and more.
Does AMS offer extra help to students who need it?
AMS offers free homework help after school in all subject areas from 3:14 to 3:55, Monday through Thursday. If your child is placed in the afterschool remediation program to catch up to grade level, check with your child’s teacher to find out the exact days of the week for their tutoring.
Can we get a tour?
Of course! To schedule a tour and learn more about the school and curriculum call the front office at (602) 675-9696.
How do I enroll my child?
For the full enrollment process, visit our Enrollment Procedures page here. In order to provide the best academic environment for our students, we limit class sizes. This means that we often have a waiting list for many of the grade levels. Children who are already enrolled at AMS during the previous year have a guaranteed place for the next school year. Their siblings and students transferring from our other campuses have priority on the waiting list. Following a lottery, other families are enrolled on a first-come, first-served basis. We do not discriminate for admission of children on any basis, and adhere to the guidelines described and set forth by the Arizona State Board for Charter Schools.
How do I contact the teachers?
All of our teachers have email addresses accessible on our teacher webpage. Teachers regularly post their homework and announcements on their webpages. You may also call the school at (602) 675-9696.